Merry Christmas
Healthy and Prosperous
New Year
to all our readers.
The blind stamped, tooled and gilt cover of The Sportman's Directory and Park & Gamekeeper's Companion by John Mayer. 6th edition, 1838.
Authors Collection
Throughout these blogs we have endeavoured to accredit all those who have kindly forwarded material. However, many have chosen to remain anonymous.
Therefore, we take this opportunity to give special thanks for the support by fellow collectors,dealers and students.
In addition, a big thank you to all the museums, libraries and their staff.
As a reader you are part of a global audience that includes: Canada, U.S.A.,Australia,
New Zealand,Japan, China, Hong Kong, Russia,Ukraine, Spain, France,Germany,Poland,
Indonesia, Ireland, England,Scotland,Wales and growing everyday!
We look forward to a busy and informative 2016.
Merry Christmas to all.
Dave Stroud.