Friday 11 September 2015

Barrel Proofing in Ireland.

The Making and Proofing of Gun Barrels in Ireland.

In the Corke Journal advertisement below dated 29th March 1756 we have Richard Whitney, Gunmaker of Corke advertising the fact that he was employed in London & Dublin. (implies both)?  He goes onto to notify his customers that he is "now furnished with a choice of English and Dublin barrels which he always proves and engages.....and he constantly employs Women remarkably skill'd in all branches of the trade." !! 

The private proofing of guns/gun barrels in Ireland was common place as can be seen from the above but it is often stated that the Irish did not prove their gun barrels/guns. It would appear that unlike in England where "proofing" became compulsory either through London or Birmingham the Irish were left to their own devices. Most gunmaker's were aware that safe barrels were more easily sold.

To date it has been impossible to find a central point where guns/barrels were proofed in Ireland. Unless this was implemented within Dublin Castle at the Pigeon House? ( No evidence). Certainly most military arms are proofed (via London) but civilian guns/pistols? One thing is for certain many gunmaker's were proofing their own wares.

We are always interested in discussing Irish pistols, gunmaker's and issues arising such as the above.

Dave Stroud. R.A..


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