Thursday, 19 November 2015

John Neill Gunmaker

John Neill
 High Street

                                             John Neill advertisement from 1852.

Trading addresses alter wildly. No doubt a few door number changes could apply here?

John Neill Trading Dates and Addresses:

1831 4 Rosemary Street
1835 44 High Street
1839 42 High Street
1843-1854 78 High Street
1856-1865 82 High Street
1868 80 High Street
1870 62 High Street
1877/1880 62 High Street

The period 1877/1880 the company traded as E. Neill, possibly John Neill's widow. This
practice being very common in the guntrade at this time.

                                   A Backaction lock percussion pistol by John Neill. 
                                  Photography the courtesy of Thomas Del Mar Ltd..

The above pistol being of Overcoat/ Travelling size yet having the provision to be converted by the
addition of a longer barrel to a Target pistol. The spur to the trigger guard eliminating it as a pocket pistol. In addition, the stock can also be extended by sliding an additional forend which is retained by a second cross bolt which is located through the underside of the added longer target barrel.

              We are always pleased to know of any pistols/guns produced by this gunmaker.

                                                 John Neill  originally listed by
                       A.Merwyn Carey. English,Irish and Scottish Firearms Makers. 1954.

                                           Dave Stroud.


  1. I have a black powder J Neill rifle. It was handed down from great great Grandfather to me. Wondering if there is a value to it. Not looking to sell just would like some info Thank

  2. Hi Robert. If send some photographs to: we might be able to help you. Alternatively send via wattsapp to 07818 470123. Regards & Best Dave Stroud.
