Saturday 3 August 2024

Durdham Down Duel. November 1797.


                               Durdham Down Duel.


On Friday morning, November 10th, about seven o'clock a duel was fought near Durdham Down, Bristol, by Lieutenant- Colonel Sykes, of the Berkshire Militia, and Mr. Charles Frederick Williams, an Attorney of the City, when Colonel Sykes was wounded in the heel, a ball having lodged among the tendons. Mr. Williams had three very narrow escapes, as one ball tore away part of his cravat, another slightly wounded him just above the hip, and a third passed very near his head. Seven shots were discharged; one of Mr. Williams pistols missed fire. 

The dispute arose in consequence of a letter that appeared lately in the public papers, of which Mr. Williams avowed himself the author, containing some reflections on the behaviour of Mr Sykes, at the Assembly-Room, a short time since. 



In an Irish paper of this month, a marriage is mentioned of Mr. Thomas Spider, to Miss Webb!! 

    (Courtesy of The Sporting Magazine, November 1797.)

                David Stroud.




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