Thursday 30 May 2024

A Truel near Waterford. Two against One!! 1797.



                 A Truel near Waterford


An affair of honour of a very extraordinary nature took place a short time since in the neighbourhood of Waterford, in Ireland; a young physician of that place having been grosly(sic) insulted, as he conceived, by two officers, he demanded satisfaction, and in order to make short work of it, determined to fight both of them at once; this challenge was accepted, and all three of them met on the next morning, the physician in a line between his adversaries , with a pistol in each hand pointed to both of them; all the combatants fell on the first fire, The physician was wounded in the breast, one of his opponents was shot through the knee, and the other in the right side; but they are all recovered.

Courtesy: (The Sporting Magazine 1797)

       David Stroud.

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