Joseph Braddell & Son
21 Castle Street
"The Irish Shooting & Fishing Agency"
A further letter written to Capt Ernest Cochrane RN., in 1907, relating to the shooting grounds, No. 132 & 133 near Buncrana and this request also indicating interest by a client of Braddell wishing to purchase the shooting rights and the associated Lodge. This letter appears to have been written with some urgency and frustration!!
We are always interested in material related to the gunmakers of Ireland.
David Stroud.
Joseph Braddell & Son
21 Castle Place
"The Irish Shooting & Fishing Agency"
A letter written to Capt: Ernest Cochrane RN, requesting information relating to shooting grounds 132 & 133 owned by Cochrane near Buncrana, County Donegal.
We are always interested in material related to the gunmakers of Ireland.
David Stroud.