Saturday 22 June 2024

Birmingham Arms Fair 16th June 2024.



                                      Birmingham Arms Fair 16th June 2024.

A very enjoyable fair and thanks to all those that came to our table either buying, selling or just for a chat.  

A special thanks to all those that chipped in their advice on the pictured Martin Mayer (Wien) Converted Target Rifle. 

Another project to join the list of others.

                       Dave Stroud.


Friday 7 June 2024

Students Duel 1800. Dublin



Duel between 

               Messrs, Coolan and Morcan.                

 Dublin, March 13th 1800.


This morning two students of our University, Messrs, Coolan and Morcan, in consequence of an unhappy dispute the preceeding evening , met in the fields near Harcourt-Street. 

They fired at the same moment , when Mr. Coolan's shot unfortunately took place in the temple of his antagonist, and killed him on the spot. 

The surviving combatant has been expelled the college, and the two seconds have been rusticated.

               ( Courtesy: The Origin and History of Ordeals by James P. Gilchrist.)

                   David Stroud.

Wednesday 5 June 2024

The Ultimate Duel.



                        The Ultimate Duel.

                       The Affair of Honour 

                    Allied Forces v Nazi Regime       

                               6th June 1944.


This dispute had been raging since the 3rd September 1939 and the challenge accepted on this date.

The distance between combatants was kept a secret until "D" Day but once announced averaged some 135 miles.

The signal to fire was given just after midnight on the 6th June 1944.

The outcome was the freedom of Europe and all its peoples. The aggressors were tried at Nuremburg for war crimes.

      To all the Allied Forces of 1939-1945

    You won the Supreme Victory for the           Civilised World.

                             Thank You.

Saturday 1 June 2024

Duel at Cookstown Co. Wicklow April 1797.


                             County Wicklow Duel

                                                       April 1797.

Letters from Dublin, received about the middle of the month (April) states, that, in the consequence of an unhappy dispute between the Earl of Meath, and Mr. Gore, of the County of Wicklow, the parties, accompanied by their seconds, met on the hill of Cookstown, near Inneskerry. Having placed themselves within twelve yards of each other, Mr. Gore fired the first shot, and the ball entered his antagonists thigh, which put an end to the affair, the Earl being unable to stand. The ball, we are informed, could not be extracted; but hopes were entertained that the wound would not prove fatal. His Lordship was brought to Powerscourt-House adjacent to the ground.

The above affair of honour between the Earl of Meath, and Mr. Gore arose from the latter gentleman obtaining permission from the Castle to raise a corps of cavalry in the County of Meath, and enrolling many of his Lordships servants to serve therein. Lord Meath afterwards received letters of service to raise a regiment also, and immediately waited upon Mr. Gore, informing him thereof, and requesting, in consequence, that he would transfer his Lordship's tenants to serve under his own standard; this being refused on the part of Mr. Gore, some warm language passed on both sides, and the unfortunate meeting was the consequence. 

Accounts subsequent to the above, give hopes that the Earl will recover.  

             Courtesy: ( The Sporting Magazine 1797)

                   David Stroud